Thursday, April 12, 2012

Review: The Deep Blue Sea

The Deep Blue Sea
Dir. Terrence Davies
Country: UK
Aus Rating: M15+
Running Time: 98mins

The first non-documentary feature from esteemed British director Terrence Davies (The House of Mirth) in some 11 years is a rather curious creature. Davies has crafted–oh my, has he crafted–a rather drowsy and leisurely paced film that is bathed in rich, deep yellows, crimsons and blues and filmed through a haze of post-war cigarette smoke. Despite seemingly being confined to all but a few sets, Davies has punctuated his minimalistic romance with beautiful refined costumes, ornate set decoration of sublime precision and sumptuous cinematography that nonetheless appears to be slowly strangling its protagonists from behind. An omnipresent autumnal chill permeates the film and The Deep Blue Sea never transcends its stage bound origins, but the finely modulated performance of Rachel Weisz is a thing of such beauty that one can forgive its simpler trappings.

Read the rest at Trespass Magazine

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